The Spirit of Africa

‘The Spirit of Africa’ event  took place on two consecutive years, in October of 2015 and 2016, to celebrate Black History Month in Borehamwood over a week, with cultural activities including: African drumming, Pottery, Tye and Dye, Writing and Painting workshops. A total of 54 people attended including grandparents, parents and children during the half–term week. The event was supported by Hertsmere Borough Council.


 Comments from the workshops include:

We learnt to make and decorate hats and flowers” Kemi, Aged 11

“How to make flower designs, using tissue paper and making African style hats” Farhan, Aged 17

Tie & Dye 3

“I learnt that people can read the same poem and see different images and interpretation” Ekky

“Learnt different techniques and moulding skills. More time please”  Chisom, 12

“The most important thing I learnt is that African is one and has always been”   Ikenna 12

“Different techniques. Very Enjoyable.” Ann Kingston

“Informative, engaging, more publicity going forward. Learnt how to make African art and decorations. How to decorate /make African flowers.” Cllr Victor Eni